


At their heart, plasmas are high energy chemical reactors. In addition to the technologies we’re currently developing, atmospheric plasma has the potential to transform countless industries through the wide range of effects it has on various materials. Even with the same material, the means of plasma exposure can produce dramatically different effects. Our areas of expertise include:


Bulk Material

Although most bulk material plasma treatment is done in the liquid phase, exposing solid materials to plasma can also help them to process more uniformly throughout, as evidenced by our work in plasma oxidation.

Surface Reactivity

Plasma exposure can be tuned to affect just the surface of a material, making it more receptive to coatings, bonding, or other treatments, while preserving the integrity of the interior.

Gas Phase

Process chemistries in the gas phase are perfectly suited to enhancement or replacement with plasma technology. The ions, atoms, and excited species allow for much quicker—and often more complete—reactions.

Potential Applications

  • Plasma Oxidation

  • Particle Precipitation

  • Anti-Microbial and Bacterial Applications

  • Bulk Liquid Chemistry

Potential Applications

Potential Applications

  • Carbon Fibers

  • Polymer Fibers, Fabrics, Films, and Resins

  • Metal Surfaces


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